An electronic cigarette? What is that?

We hear the name “electronic cigarette” every day, we see it everywhere… But we don’t know what it is, or how it works. We wonder what is it for and how to get one. Even after years of existence, many people still have a lot of questions about this new electronic inhalation system.

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That’s it, are you ready to get started and take the step of quitting smoking?

Here are our tips for a good start in the vape.

Indeed, it is a real challenge that you are launching, which requires accompaniment, perseverance and will.

In this context, you have chosen your smoking cessation with the electronic cigarette to help you stop this addiction. This E-Cigarette will allow you to combine pleasure with quitting smoking.

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Which electronic cigarette to choose for a heavy smoker?

When heavy smoker starts vaping, their needs are different from those of average and occasional smokers.

In order to choose the right electronic cigarette for heavy smokers , it is important to take into account the specificities inherent in their tobacco consumption . A bad choice of material can indeed cause disappointment, and even call into question the cessation of smoking! To avoid this, read the rest of our article.

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The Steep: the secret of a good successful DIY

“Too steep ” means to macerate or infuse. In practice, it is used in the world of vaping to designate a method which consists in enhancing or accentuating the flavours of e-liquids and is generally designed in an artisanal way. In reality, it is the followers of DIY or Does It Yourself  (do it yourself) who resort to this operation. In this euphoric experiment in chemistry, the goal is simple: make your e-liquid and let it macerate for a long time to be able to savour it when the maturation is complete.

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DIY tutorial: how to make your own e-liquid, what are the advantages?

DIY has gradually become a must in the world of vaping . As well as today, it is found at all sellers of e-liquid products (shops and websites). The DIY offers beginner vapers, as well as the most experienced, the possibility of creating their e-liquid by applying a simple recipe which consists of mixing several ingredients ( base + nicotine booster  + additives + aromas ) to obtain an e-liquid. liquid unique. Thus, given the vast choice of ingredients at your disposal, the customization possibilities are almost endless. It is by testing different combinations that you will be able to obtain a vape liquid that perfectly matches your expectations in terms of flavours and sensations!

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E-liquids with nicotine salts appeared on the vape market towards the end of 2017 and quickly became a great success. Many vapers have chosen to turn to these products at the heart of the trend. According to them, the difference between nicotine and nicotine salts is great.

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